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Paper Topic Selection and Development Guide: Law Firm Newsletter Aggregators

This guide is designed to help law students select and research a topic for their upper level writing requirement.


Created in 1994, organizes and publishes legal, financial, and regulatory commentary from professional advisers, including law firms and financial institutions.  It is a great resource that provides insight into the "hot" issues with which law firms are concerned.   It also is a great resource to use when interviewing with firms for employment.  Note: requires free registration. 

Tip: Browse by Topic, by Country, by Contributor (Law Firms), or by Newest Item.

Bloomberg Law Firm Research

To access Bloomberg's law firm research, click on the "Browse All Content."  Then click on "All Legal Content."   Scroll down the screen to "U.S. Secondary Sources" and expand the field.  Click on the link to "Law Firm Analysis."

Tip: This is a great resource for students interviewing at firms.