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Federal Securities Law Research Guide: Journals

Sources at the BLS Library for Primary and Secondary Material Related to Federal Securities Law

Legal Periodical Indexes

Useful articles on Securities Law may appear in most academic law journals and can be found by use of an index.
  • This online index covers more than 800 English-language periodicals and law journals. It provides for keyword, subject, and author searching.
  • This online index begins its coverage in 1980. It provides for keyword and author searching, and, as special features, uses refined Library of Congress subject headings and numerous cross-references. It indexes in excess of 800 English-language law periodicals.
  • Current Index to Legal Periodicals  CILP indexes over 500 legal publications organized within 100 relevant subject headings and has a complete table of contents.  CILP classifies legal articles by subject: Securities Law.  To receive CILP email alerts about recently published articles on specific topics, click: Create New SmartCILP User.
Note on Indexes: Indexes are an excellent alternative to full-text searching when you want to find articles on a particular subject.  By using an index, you can limit your search results to a specific subject area.  Full-text keyword searching on the other hand will include articles that contain your keywords, regardless of the subject of the article.  For example, let's say you want to write a paper on the use of litigation to mitigate the effects of climate change.  You can do a full-text search in Westlaw or Lexis using the keywords climate change, litigation, and environment.  This will retrieve all articles that contain these terms, whether or not the article itself actually discusses the subject of climate change litigation.  Or, you can use an index and retrieve articles by subject - you may choose the subject "climate change"  in a legal periodical index and retrieve all articles assigned the subject tag "climate change."  You may even choose sub-topics to narrow your results further.​

Pre-prints of Legal Articles/Book Chapters & Working Papers: SSRN

Open Access Articles: Digital Commons Network

Google Scholar