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International Commercial Arbitration & International Commercial Law Research: Treatises: Int'l. Arbitration

BLS Library's Subscriptions to Jus Mundi: ICC Dispute Resolution Library > Books, Kluwer Arbitration > Books & Publications + Westlaw International Arbitration Treatises

  • Jus Mundi: ICC Dispute Resolution Library includes ICC's Books + Enforcement Guide. 
  • Kluwer Arbitration > tab: Books & Publications > subtab: Books includes many treatises on international arbitration.  It also provides material from Wolters Kluwer's Yearbook: Commercial Arbitration (containing selected cases and arbitral awards) + ICCA International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration (containing reports about arbitration developments in specific countries and texts of countries’ arbitration laws).
    • Tip: Under subtab: Books, use: search by title name box to find treatises.
  • Westlaw: International Arbitration Treatises - Tip: Click "i" to check a treatise's publication date.

Sources on International Arbitration

Sources on Procurement

Sources on United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (often called: the "New York Convention")

Tip: A free online platform now provides the Guide above + case law implementing the New York Convention from multiple common law and civil law jurisdictions. 

Source on European Convention on International Arbitration

Source on Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration

Sources on UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration

Sources on Investment Arbitration

In addition to the treatises below, publicly accessible Investment Treaty Arbitration database provides agreements, awards and cases.