Additional Useful Overviews:
What Is an Executive Order? - Describes and defines an executive order. Links to sources of executive orders. [Provider: American Bar Association]
Wex: Executive Power: An Overview - Wex is "LII's community-built, freely available legal dictionary and legal encyclopedia." [Provider: Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute]
YouTube: The White House - Includes link: Live.
Key Sources of Many Presidential Documents:
The White House - Describes the current Administration, its priorities and its record. Provides a Briefing Room of Presidential Actions, Press Briefings, Speeches and Remarks, and Statements and Releases.
Executive Orders and additional presidential documents appear in the Federal Register (daily, 1936-present) [Publisher: Office of the Federal Register, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration]
"Reader Aid" to Find Executive Orders by President/Year: Executive Orders (1994-present) + Executive Orders Disposition Tables (Jan. 8, 1937-Jan. 19, 2017) [Provider: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration]
Public Papers of the Presidents (historical source) - Compiles a President's messages and papers. [Current publisher: Office of the Federal Register, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration]
Additional Useful Sources:
Budget of the United States Government - Includes: the President's budget message; data about the President's budget proposals for a specific fiscal year, and other budgetary publications. [Issuer of the U.S. government's budget: U.S. Office of Management and Budget]
The Cabinet - Advises the President. Includes the Vice President and the leaders of 15 executive departments.
Council of Economic Advisors - Advises the President on U.S. economic policy, on the basis of "data, research, and evidence."
Economic Report of the President (annual) - Reviews U.S. economic progress. [Author: Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers]
Executive Office of the President - Performs tasks ranging from communicating the President’s message to the American people to promoting U.S. trade interests abroad.
U.S. Office of Management and Budget - Assists the President in fulfilling "policy, budget, management, and regulatory objectives."
HeinOnline > in BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (HEIN). [Publisher: W.S. Hein] (remote access requires BLS proxy server)
Lexis+ tab: Federal (requires BLS username/password):
Westlaw Precision > tab: Federal materials (requires BLS username/password)