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Paper Topic Selection: International: American Society of International Law + UN

Sources to identify international law developments.

Tip for BLS Students: American Society of International Law (ASIL) Student Membership Is Free

ASIL student membership is free for BLS students because BLS is an ASIL Academic Partner.  BLS students can access career development resources (including a job board) and can register for free to attend ASIL's Midyear MeetingASIL's student membership page states: "Students from Academic Partner Schools will have the opportunity to obtain a Discount Promo Code during the process of joining or renewing membership with the Society."  To register: at ASIL's student membership page, click: Join ASIL.  Enter your BLS email and organization name: Brooklyn Law School.

American Society of International Law (ASIL)

  • The American Society of International Law's home page highlights:
    • ASIL Insights on hot topics
    • International Law in Brief (ILIB) updates on recent developments in international law
    • AJIL Unbound "short, original essays of international legal scholarship"
    • International Law Behind the Headlines podcasts by top legal experts
    • Recent ASIL program videos - also visit ASIL's Event Videos page
      • Click here to access recordings from many of ASIL's 2024 Annual Meeting programsClick the "+" to the far right of: Audio Content to view the program list/link to audio recordings.  These program recordings could yield paper and note topic ideas. 
    • Links to register for upcoming events (some are webinars)
  • TIP: ASIL's home page includes a search feature to find pertinent material.   

United Nations (UN)

  • UN News highlights many UN developments and categorizes news by topic (including Climate and Environment, Economic Development, Health, Human Rights, Law and Crime Prevention, Migrants and Refugees, Peace and Security, and Women).  Under tab Home, UN News also categorizes news by region of the world.