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Global Financial Crisis: Researching Foreign Responses: Indexes: Articles

Indexes of Legal Articles

Databases of published legal articles available through Westlaw (example: Journals & Law Reviews), LexisNexis (example: U.S. & Canadian Law Reviews, Combined), or Directory of Open Access Journals do not include all articles.

To find working papers, unpublished legal articles, and recently published legal articles, search:

Social Science Research Network

bePress Legal Repository  

To find published legal articles on a topic, or to discover the published legal articles written by a particular author, use indexes.


Westlaw's Legal Journals Index (1986-)

Focus: Legal articles published in the U.K. and English-language legal articles published in Europe.

Westlaw's Legal Resource Index (1980-)

Focus: Legal articles published in the U.S. + some articles published in Australia, Canada, the U.K., and New Zealand.

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (1985-)

Focus: Worldwide.  Problem: Researchers generally cannot find articles from the current year through this index.   

European Current Law (monthly print digest of EU legal developments)

Focus: EU and EU member-states.  This digest is arranged by subject.  Entries include cites to legal articles and, sometimes, treatises.  Librarian Jean Davis ( can show you how to use this source.      

Lawtel EU's > Articles Index

Focus: EU and EU member-states.

Free Alerting Service Highlighting Recently Published Legal Articles

Researchers can register at Current Law Journal Content (provided by Washington & Lee Law School) and can save keyword searches that will run in the tables of contents to 1,500+ periodicals.   

  • Scope: primarily English-language legal periodicals.  
  • Delivery options for alerts: e-mail (researchers will receive an e-mail message once a week, on Sunday) or RSS.

Westlaw's Legal Journals Index (focus: U.K. & Europe)

Search results (cites and abstracts) in Legal Journals Index generally do not link to full-text articles. Check Westlaw, LexisNexis, Proquest Central, Academic Search Premier and SARA catalog by title of the legal journal containing an article. If needed, librarian Rosemary Campagna ( supervises interlibrary loan service at Brooklyn Law School.
Search Westlaw's Legal Journals Index:
Terms & Connectors Natural Language

Westlaw's Legal Resource Index (focus: U.S.)

Search Westlaw's Legal Resource Index:
Terms & Connectors Natural Language