To find articles in BLS subscription databases like Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, HeinOnline and JSTOR, searchBLS Library's discovery platform.
Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server to access search results. See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions. Based on patron feedback, BLS librarians recommend the proxy instructions for Firefox.
Current Articles & Working Papers in Free Repositories
To find articles in Digital Commons Network's Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Commons(free) click here > use the "Search this Commons" box (top right)
To find working papers, unpublished articles, recently published articles and pre-prints of selected book chapters, search:
SSRN(free),which includes legal, business, economic and accounting papers and articles submitted by scholars in many countries.
Articles in Kluwer Arbitration (a subscription database)
To find articles published in sources likeArbitration International, ASA Bulletin, Asian Dispute Review, Asian International Arbitration Journal, International Journal of Arab Arbitration, Journal of International Arbitration, Revue de l'Arbitrage, SchiedsVZ/German Arbitration Journal, andSpain Arbitration Review/Revista del Club EspaƱol del Arbitraje, searchKluwer Arbitration(subscription database) > in BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (WOLTERS KLUWER).
Tip: Search by keyword(s) > filter results by publication type: Journals.Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server. See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.
Articles in Westlaw (a subscription database)
To find articles published in sources likeAmerican Review of International Arbitration, Dispute Resolution Journal, International Arbitration Law Review, Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration+ many other law journals, search:
To find published legal articles, search these indexes:
Legal Source (subscription database, accessible off-campus in non-BLS housing through BLS proxy server) provides 1,200+ full-text journals and over 2.5 million records, including book reviews and case citations.
Select a regional review > click: "read now." Includes country-focused reviews from the region.
Some material is available to read without charge. BLS Library does not subscribe to this source.
Articles in ICSID Review (a subscription journal)
Excerpt from this journal's description: "ICSID Review is a specialized periodical devoted exclusively to foreign investment law and international investment dispute settlement."
To find articles published in ICSID Review, click: ICSID Review (subscription journal) - In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (OXFORD).
Tip: Use Advanced Search (top right).
Tip: Tab: More Content includes "advance articles."
Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server. See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.
Articles in Journal of International Dispute Settlement (a subscription journal)
Excerpt from this journal's description: "Journal of International Dispute Settlement covers all forms of international dispute settlement and focuses particularly on developments in private and public international law that carry commercial, economic and financial implications."
To find articles published in Journal of International Dispute Settlement, click:Journal of International Dispute Settlement (subscription journal) > In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (OXFORD).
Tip: Use Advanced Search (top right).
Tip: Also available: More Content > Advance Articles.
Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server. See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.
Articles in Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) (a subscription journal)
To find articles published in TDM (Transnational Dispute Management) journal, click:Transnational Dispute Management (TDM)(subscription) > In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (TDM).
Tip: Some issues focus on a specific topic, for example: Climate Change and Sanctions and International Arbitration.
Tip: Click: Journal > Search.
Tip: Click: Journal > browse by issue.
Tip: View Advance Publications on the home page.
Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server. See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.
Articles in Uniform Law Review (a subscription journal)
Excerpt from this journal's description: "The Uniform Law Review (Revue de droit uniforme) is a quarterly, bilingual journal offering a unique instrument for reflection and the provision of information on the political and technical problems of the harmonisation of law world-over, with an ample part being reserved for the work carried out in UNIDROIT."
To find articles published in Uniform Law Review, click:Uniform Law Review(quarterly, subscription law review) > In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (OXFORD). Includes advance articles and current content. Note: HeinOnline also provides an archive of articles from Uniform Law Review, but there is a 3-year embargo on current content.
Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server. See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.
UN Trade & Development, Investment Policy Hub: Investment Dispute Navigator
UN Trade & Development, Investment Policy Hub provides Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator. If a proceeding is covered in Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator:
Enter a case name > click: link to the case > view: Links to Background Sources.