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International Commercial Arbitration & International Commercial Law Research: Legal Articles


  • Search Faculty of Law, University of Basel's CISG Bibliography (free, under development) in CISG-online. 

    • On Jan. 28, 2025, this bibliography stated: "4512 entries in 29 languages, with the majority being in English or in German."

  • Search Pace Law, Albert H. Kritzer CISG Database's International Sales Law Bibliography.

BLS Library's Discovery Platform: OneSearch

  • To find articles in BLS subscription databases like Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, HeinOnline and JSTOR, search BLS Library's discovery platform.
    • Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server to access search results.  See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.  Based on patron feedback, BLS librarians recommend the proxy instructions for Firefox.

Current Articles & Working Papers in Free Repositories

  • To find articles in Digital Commons Network's Dispute Resolution and Arbitration Commons (free) click here > use the "Search this Commons" box (top right)
  • To find working papers, unpublished articles, recently published articles and pre-prints of selected book chapters, search:
    • SSRN (free), which includes legal, business, economic and accounting papers and articles submitted by scholars in many countries.
    • bePress Legal Repository (free)

Articles in Kluwer Arbitration (a subscription database)

  • To find articles published in sources like Arbitration International, ASA Bulletin, Asian Dispute Review, Asian International Arbitration Journal, International Journal of Arab Arbitration, Journal of International Arbitration, Revue de l'Arbitrage, SchiedsVZ/German Arbitration Journal, and Spain Arbitration Review/Revista del Club Español del Arbitraje, search Kluwer Arbitration (subscription database) > in BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (WOLTERS KLUWER).
    • Tip: Search by keyword(s) > filter results by publication type: Journals.Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server.  See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.

Articles in Westlaw (a subscription database)

  • To find articles published in sources like American Review of International Arbitration, Dispute Resolution Journal, International Arbitration Law Review, Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration + many other law journals, search:

Indexes of Legal Articles (subscription sources)

  • To find published legal articles, search these indexes:
    • Legal Source (subscription database, accessible off-campus in non-BLS housing through BLS proxy server) provides 1,200+ full-text journals and over 2.5 million records, including book reviews and case citations.
    • Westlaw (subscription database): Legal Journals Index (1986-)
      • Focus: Legal articles published in the U.K. and English-language legal articles published in Europe.
    • Westlaw (subscription database): Legal Resource Index (1980-)
      • Focus: Legal articles published in the U.S. + some articles published in Australia, Canada, the U.K., and New Zealand.
    • Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (subscription database) (1960-)
      • Focus: Worldwide.  Problem: Researchers generally cannot find articles from the current year through this index.   

Regional/National Reviews in Global Arbitration Review (a subscription source w/ some free content)

  • To find regional/national overviews of arbitration developments access Global Arbitration Review
    • Select a regional review > click: "read now."  Includes country-focused reviews from the region.
    • Some material is available to read without charge.  BLS Library does not subscribe to this source.

Articles in ICSID Review (a subscription journal)

  • Excerpt from this journal's description: "ICSID Review is a specialized periodical devoted exclusively to foreign investment law and international investment dispute settlement."
  • To find articles published in ICSID Review, click: ICSID Review (subscription journal) - In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (OXFORD).
    • Tip: Use Advanced Search (top right). 
    • Tip: Tab: More Content includes "advance articles."
    • Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server. See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.

Articles in Journal of International Dispute Settlement (a subscription journal)

  • Excerpt from this journal's description: "Journal of International Dispute Settlement covers all forms of international dispute settlement and focuses particularly on developments in private and public international law that carry commercial, economic and financial implications."
  • To find articles published in Journal of International Dispute Settlement, click: Journal of International Dispute Settlement (subscription journal) > In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (OXFORD).
    • Tip: Use Advanced Search (top right). 
    • Tip: Also available: More Content > Advance Articles.
    • Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server.  See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.

Articles in Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) (a subscription journal)

  • To find articles published in TDM (Transnational Dispute Management) journal, click: Transnational Dispute Management (TDM) (subscription) > In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (TDM).
    • Tip: Some issues focus on a specific topic, for example: Climate Change and Sanctions and International Arbitration
    • Tip: Click: Journal > Search.
    • Tip: Click: Journal > browse by issue.
    • Tip: View Advance Publications on the home page.
    • Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server.  See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.

Articles in Uniform Law Review (a subscription journal)

  • Excerpt from this journal's description: "The Uniform Law Review (Revue de droit uniforme) is a quarterly, bilingual journal offering a unique instrument for reflection and the provision of information on the political and technical problems of the harmonisation of law world-over, with an ample part being reserved for the work carried out in UNIDROIT."
  • To find articles published in Uniform Law Review, click: Uniform Law Review (quarterly, subscription law review) > In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (OXFORD).  Includes advance articles and current content.  Note: HeinOnline also provides an archive of articles from Uniform Law Review, but there is a 3-year embargo on current content.
    • Off campus: BLS students, faculty and administrators need to use a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server.  See: BLS Proxy Server Instructions.

UN Trade & Development, Investment Policy Hub: Investment Dispute Navigator

  • UN Trade & Development, Investment Policy Hub provides Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator.  If a proceeding is covered in Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator:
    • Enter a case name > click: link to the case > view: Links to Background Sources.