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EU Legal Research: Starting Points: Treatises

Recommendation for BLS researchers who are using this guide off-campus: first, implement the proxy instructions [at] for access to BLS subscription databases.

Treatises and Other Sources Available through BLS Library

Access Westlaw: European Union Treatises

Most of these Westlaw sources are business-related.

Use BLS Library's catalog, SARA, to find treatises.

Recommended subject searches searches:

European Union

Law European Union Countries

Recommended keyword search:

 europe and [add words that describe your topic]

TIP: Sort search results by: Publication/Copyright Date: Newest to Oldest

TIP: If needed, expand a keyword search beyond the holdings of BLS Library:

  • SARA catalog > link: WorldCat (an "uber-catalog" reflecting thousands of libraries' holdings). 
    • In WorldCat, click: Advanced Search
      • Tip: from the pull-down menu, select: Subject and enter a region or country as a subject.  Also enter Keywords
        • WorldCat search results often include cites to books and articles.  Use sorting features (to view results by type of material, by year of publication, by language and by topic).
          • Click the title of a desired source in WorldCat search results. 
            • If an item is not available in BLS Library, a BLS student, faculty member or staff member can place an interlibrary loan request through SARA catalog's tab: ILL.

Google Book Search

If Google Book Search (below) yields too many results, or provides results that are too old, use Google's Advanced Book Search.  The advanced search feature supports searching by keywords, date, author, title, language of publication and "limited preview or full view." 

Google Book Search

Selected Recent Treatises Available Through BLS Library