Describe the purpose and scope of the bill
Give concrete reasons for its approval
Provide best evidence of legislative intent
Most Important document in legislative history research - provides pdf committee reports beginning with the 104th Congress(1995-96)
GovInfo - provides pdf committee reports beginning with the 104th Congress(1995-96)
Bloomberg Law - provides pdf committee reports beginning with the 104th Congress(1995-96)
Lexis - has committee reports from January 1990 through the current Congress (selected coverage for the 101st and 102nd Congresses(1989-1992).
Westlaw - provides access to all committee reports contained in the printed U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News. 1951-
Proquest Congressional - provides access to committee reports from 1819 to current.
Proquest Legislative Insight - full text of committee reports associated with enacted legislation.
The Library has the full text of House and Senate reports in microfiche, dating back to 1915. See a reference librarian for help.