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U.S. Immigration Law Research Starting Points: Overviews, Aggregators & Frequently Used Tools

Guide created for Brooklyn Law School's Safe Harbor Project

Tips for Using This Guide

Current BLS students, faculty & administrators have off-campus access to selected BLS Library ebooks & to articles in $ databases (e.g., International Journal of Refugee Law, Journal of Refugee Studies, Refugee Survey Quarterly) that require use of a proxy server.  Tip: Implement BLS proxy server instructions for 1 web browser, close/reopen the browser & access this guide through the browser that now communicates with the BLS proxy server.  Based on patron feedback, librarians recommend the BLS proxy instructions for Firefox.  For initial help implementing the BLS proxy instructions, email:  On campus or in a BLS residence, one should be able to link directly to these sources without needing the BLS proxy server. 

During reference hours (currently 9-5, M-F + Sat. afternoon), BLS librarians can answer questions about sources through: & the chat feature ("Need Help?") on this page.

General Information

Brief Analysis Tools

$ Lexis+ > click Go to Lexis+ > click icon on left side of home screen: Document Analysis > upload brief or motion in Microsoft Word or PDF.  (Text is only stored for current session.)

Note: In memo used as a test, L+: Document Analysis provided Shepard's treatment for both cases & BIA Decisions cited in the memo.  Safe Harbor participants: please check L+ Document Analysis!

$ Westlaw Precision > Quick Check > choose option, such as: Check Your Work > upload brief or motion in Microsoft Word or PDF.  (Text is only stored for current session.)

Tip: If document does not upload in Microsoft Word, try uploading document as a PDF.

Lexis for Microsoft Office

$ Lexis For Microsoft Office for Law Schools

After downloading Lexis for Microsoft Office: When you open your Word document and click tab: LexisNexis, you will be able to Shepardize citations in your document, to check the Bluebook format of citations in your document, to check the accuracy of quotes in your document and to create a table of authorities.

When Was This Guide Last Updated?

This LibGuide was last substantively updated:

On: Sept. 4, 2024

At:  6:06 AM

By: Jean Davis

Aggregators of Immigration Law Sources

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Laws and Policy

Links to pertinent U.S. immigration legislation (including the Immigration and Nationality Act), regulations, the USCIS Policy Manual, policy memoranda, handbooks & the USCIS "Forms" page.  Note: USCIS is in the process of retiring its Adjudicator's Field Manual (AFM) and updating/incorporating AFM content into the USCIS Policy Manual

Other Resources links to U.S. Dep't. of Justice Board of Immigration Appeals decisions.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Reports and Studies

Links to recent annual reports and studies, such as USCIS' Annual Statistical Report FY 2023.

U.S. Dep't. of Homeland Security,

Includes a search box.  For example, enter: quinquennial to find the most recently published Quinquennial Report on Asylum Decision Trends and Factors

U.S. Dep't. of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review, EOIR Home

 Links to the Virtual Law Library, EOIR Policy Manual & EOIR Forms.

HIghly useful: $ AILALink subscriptionavailable off campus to current BLS students, faculty & staff who have implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.  This subscription supports up to 3 simultaneous users--please click Sign Out in upper right of screen when finished.

Provides tailored collections of immigration law primary sources through home page menu options Statutes & Regs, Court and Admin Decisions + government manuals, memos & correspondence + highly useful AILA books for practitioners, such as Kurzban's Immigration Law Sourcebook & AILA's Asylum Primer: A Practical Guide to U.S. Asylum Law + AILA conference publications.

U.S. law school students who are "enrolled in a full course of study" at an ABA-accredited law school can apply for FREE membership in American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)!

AILA's instructions: To apply, start by creating an account at, through: Membership > Create an Account to Apply.  After entering your information, return to and click on Membership > Have Account Already, Log in to Apply to start your Law Student membership application.  A law student will have the opportunity to attach proof of student status, which is a necessary part of the application process.  Questions? Contact: or 202-507-7635

Benefits of AILA law student membership include: access to immigration law research collection $ AILALink + access to federal statutes/regulations, federal/state cases & administrative decisions in Fastcase Premium database + AILA8 (= daily immigration e-newsletter) + AILA Membership Directory + selected free online programs/products + law student sessions of AILA's Annual Virtual Conference + free seminars/roundtables that will be held for law student members.

$ Lexis+ > Practice Center > Immigration

Includes U.S. immigration statutes, regulations, federal court decisions & administrative decisions/guidance + Immigration Law and Procedure treatise + Bender's Immigration Bulletin & Bender's Immigration Law Bulletin, Daily Edition + Law360 Immigration legal news.

$ Westlaw Precision > Practice Area > Immigration

Includes U.S. immigration statutes, regulations, federal court decisions & administrative decisions/guidance + Asylum Case Law Sourcebook + treatises such as Law of Asylum in the United States & Steel on Immigration Law, handbooks such as H1-B Handbook & Immigration Procedures Handbook + analysis of immigration law developments in Interpreter Releases & Interpreter Releases Daily + checklists, practice notes & forms under: Practical Law Connect Tasks at bottom of Immigration screen.

Aggregators of "Country of Origin Information" (COI) appear in section: COI of BLS Library's International Refugee Law LibGuide.