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International Refugee Law: Sources To Support Safe Harbor Participants & Other Interns: Refugee Case Databases & Tips To Find Foreign Cases

Compilations of Refugee Case Law


UNHCR, Compilation of Case Law on Refugee Protection in International Law (Mar. 2008)

  • In Westlaw, there are ALR International annotations interpreting the 1951 Convention and the Torture Convention, such as:
    • Construction and Application of Article 1A of United Nations Convention Relating to Status of Refugees, July 28, 1951, 189 U.N.T.S. 137, Regarding Term "Refugee"--Global Cases, 1 A.L.R. Int'l 599.
    • Construction and Application of Article 33 of United Nations Convention Relating to Status of Refugees, July 28, 1951, 189 U.N.T.S. 137, Regarding Prohibition of Expulsion or Return--Global Cases, 2 A.L.R. Int'l 259.
    • Construction and Application of Article 1F of United Nations Convention Relating to Status of Refugees, July 28, 1951, 189 U.N.T.S. 137, Regarding Exclusion of Certain Individuals Based on Crimes or Acts--Global Cases, 3 A.L.R. Int'l 235.
    • Construction and Application of Article 31(1) of United Nations Convention Relating to Status of Refugees, July 28, 1951, 189 U.N.T.S. 137, Regarding Penalties Imposed on Refugees Unlawfully in Country of Refuge—Global Cases, 4 A.L.R. Int'l 105.
    • Construction and Application of Article 1C of United Nations Convention Relating to Status of Refugees Regarding Cessation of Refugee Circumstances--Global Cases, 5 A.L.R. Int'l 1  
    • Construction and Application of Article 1 of United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, or Punishment, Dec. 10, 1984, 1465 U.N.T.S. 85, and Implementing Legislation—Definition of Term “Torture”—Non-United States Cases, 4 A.L.R. Int'l 165.


Searchable Databases of Refugee Case Law from Many Countries

Can sort case law by Country and Keywords.

  • Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, Instructions for attorneys working on individual asylum cases to create an account and to access CGRS' TA Library of litigation support resources.


Provides decisions and orders of international/ized criminal courts and tribunals that address issues relating to sexual and gender-based violence.

Country-specific Sources of Refugee Case Law

Free Sources of Foreign Case Law

Westlaw & Lexis+ Subscription Databases of Foreign Case Law

Westlaw and Lexis+ provide U.S. cases concerning international law and cases of selected international courts and tribunals.  They also provide cases of selected courts and tribunals in common-law oriented jurisdictions.

  • Westlaw path:

> Tab: Westlaw

> Under: Specialty areas, click: "International Materials"

> Choose jurisdiction

Westlaw provides large databases of cases for Australia, Canada, European Union, Hong Kong, Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom.

  • Lexis+ path:

> To the right of "Explore," click tab: International 

> Choose jurisdiction

Lexis Advance provides large databases of cases for Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Other Subscription Databases of Foreign Case Law available to BLS Library Patrons

  • United Kingdom: ICLR (provides The Law Reports for the Superior and Appellate Courts of England and Wales).
  • vLex: BLS Library provides material from vLex America Latina + vLex Argentina, vLex Brasil, vLex Mexico, vLex Chile, vLex El Salvador.  Use "Advanced search" to limit by jurisdiction and content type. Click "Select more jurisdictions" to find El Salvador.