UNHCR, Compilation of Case Law on Refugee Protection in International Law (Mar. 2008)
Can sort case law by Country and Keywords.
Provides decisions and orders of international/ized criminal courts and tribunals that address issues relating to sexual and gender-based violence.
- Australia
- Also supports searches of Migration Review Tribunal decisions and Refugee Review Tribunal decisions.
- Additional material may be available through AUSTLII.
- Canada
- Also supports searches of Immigration and Refugee Board decisions.
- Additional material may be available through CANLII.
- Hong Kong, China
- Additional material may be available through HKLII.
- New Zealand
- Link to RefNZ's indexes of cases
- Additional material may be available through NZLII.
- South Africa
- Additional material may be available through SAFLII.
- United Kingdom
- Also supports searches of Asylum and Immigration Tribunal decisions.
- Link to UK Supreme Court.
- Additional material is available through BAILII. See note: "Since February 2010 appeals against decisions relating to Asylum and Immigration are found in BAILII's Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) database."
Westlaw and Lexis+ provide U.S. cases concerning international law and cases of selected international courts and tribunals. They also provide cases of selected courts and tribunals in common-law oriented jurisdictions.
> Tab: Westlaw
> Under: Specialty areas, click: "International Materials"
> Choose jurisdiction
Westlaw provides large databases of cases for Australia, Canada, European Union, Hong Kong, Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom.
> To the right of "Explore," click tab: International
> Choose jurisdiction
Lexis Advance provides large databases of cases for Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.