Law Student Memberships:
American Bar Association (ABA) law student membership is free. A law student can join five free ABA groups, for example: Antitrust Law Section. This likely will increase a law student's access to this Section's articles, webinars and additional resources.
ABA's Antitrust Awards & Fellowships page links to information about the Antitrust Student Diversity Stipend Program, the Harvey Saferstein Consumer Protection Committee Student Essay Contest, the Janet D. Steiger Fellowship, and the Robert Pitofsky Law Student Writing Competition (focus: antitrust law, competition policy, and consumer protection law).
American Society of International Law (ASIL) student membership is free for BLS students because BLS is an ASIL Academic Partner. BLS students also can access career development resources and can register for free to attend ASIL's Midyear Meeting. ASIL's student membership page states: "Students from Academic Partner Schools will have the opportunity to obtain a Discount Promo Code during the process of joining or renewing membership with the Society."
New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) law student membership also is free. It includes the opportunity to join practice-focused NYSBA Sections, for example: Antitrust Law Section. This likely will increase a law student's access to this Section's articles, webinars and additional resources.
NYSBA's Antitrust Law Section Diversity Fellowship
Upcoming Events of NYSBA's Antitrust Law Section are highlighted at this site under tab: Live Events & On Demand Programs.
Annual Conference in NYC:
The 51st Annual Conference on International Antitrust Law and Policy + Antitrust Economics Workshop will be held at Fordham Law School on Sept. 11-13, 2024. Conference registration for newly admitted attorneys and current law students is free. In future, the conference proceedings will appear in: International Antitrust Law and Policy: Fordham Competition Law published by Juris.
Regarding other events to be held by Fordham's Competition Law Institute: Interested BLS law students could contact to ask about the possibility of free registration.
Librarian & Adjunct Professor of Law Sue Silverman created this guide in 2021. This guide was substantially updated:
On: Aug. 8, 2024
At: 7:46 AM
By: Jean Davis