International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation, IBFD Tax Research PlatformIn SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - IBFD. BLS students, faculty & administrators: access IBFD Tax Research Platform while connected to Brooklyn Law School’s wireless network, while using computers in BLS Library’s computer labs, or while off campus using a web browser that communicates with the BLS proxy server.
In the IBFD Tax Research Platform, click tab: Search > beneath search box, click tab: News. Collection: News is searchable. Filters (on left) include: Country/Jurisdiction; Related Country/Jurisdiction; Region; International Organization, News Date and selected Topics.
In the IBFD Tax Research Platform, click tab: Search > beneath search box, click tab: Treaties & Models. Collection: Treaties & Models is searchable. Filters (on left) include: Country/Jurisdiction; Related Country/Jurisdiction; Treaty Subject; Treaty Status; Bilateral/Multilateral; Document Type; Language; Region; and International Organization. Status information precedes the text of a treaty. There might be a link to a PDF version of a treaty. Following the text of a treaty, researchers might have the option to view/compare two language versions of a treaty and the option to compare a treaty to selected models. There also might be links to related news about a treaty.
In the IBFD Tax Research Platform, click: Search > beneath search box, click category: Case Law.
TIP: One can filter case law by country/jurisdiction, related country/jurisdiction, collection title (example: ECJ Case Law), region, keywords or selected topics. Also, one can run keyword searches.