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Remote Access to Library Resources and Services: Home

How to get help when you are away from Brooklyn Law School


This calendar includes current hours for library access, reference assistance, and the circulation desk.

Remote Access to BLS's Library Databases and Resources

BLS Library's A-Z Database List: To remotely access many of these databases, implement the BLS proxy server instructions in 1 web browser.  BLS librarians recommend implementing the BLS proxy server instructions for Firefox browser.

BLS Library's "News Access" Instructions: To remotely access, to create an individual account at and, and to remotely access selected legal news sources.

BLS Library's SARA Catalog: To find/access BLS Library's ebooks and other electronic resources.

BLS Library's Casebooks, Study Aids & Guides for Law School Courses & Bar Exams: To obtain links to selected casebooks, treatises and study aids (categorized by topic) that are accessible electronically.  Includes links to many digital study aids in Aspen Learning Library.

Digital Collection of Study Aids: Aspen Learning Library

BLS students can access/search a digital collection of many study aids in Aspen Learning Library.  In BLS Library's SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - (ASPEN)

Tip: Remote access to Aspen Learning Library requires implementation of the BLS proxy server instructions for one web browser.  Librarians recommend implementing the BLS proxy instructions for Firefox.

Tip from Aspen: If a BLS researcher has trouble accessing the full text of a study aid through the "Read Online" link in Aspen Learning Library, try clearing your web browser's cache.  At the bottom of this guide box are instructions to clear your Firefox browser cache.

Tip from Aspen: If you implement the BLS proxy instructions for Safari: Before using the reader view, please turn off the "Prevent cross-site tracking" setting in your browser.  See: Safari > Settings > Privacy tab > Website tracking > Disable the "Prevent cross-site tracking" option. 

Tip from Aspen: A BLS student who wishes to read an Aspen study guide offline, to add notes/highlights to a study guide, and/or to print a limited number of pages from a study guide should register to create a personal account on Aspen Learning Library's home page and should download Aspen's app.  See instructions at: Getting Started with the Aspen Learning Library.  A student who merely wishes to read a study guide can click Aspen's "Read Online" option in the browser desktop version.  Aspen states: "offline reading is not available in the browser desktop version, get the app for offline reading!"

Aspen Learning Library includes titles in these series: Emanuel Law Outlines/Emanuel CrunchTime; Examples & Explanations; Friedman's Practice; Glannon Guides; Inside Series; & In Other Words Audio & Video Series.  (Publication dates vary.)  Click the link below to view Aspen's descriptions of these series and a chart comparing key features of each series.

Study Aids in LexisNexis DIgital Library

LexisNexis Digital Library Platform:

BLS Library's subscription to LexisNexis Digital Library offers selected titles in the Understanding and Questions & Answers series.  See links below.  LexisNexis recommends Chrome over other browsers when using this platform.  Sign in to the platform with your BLS username and password.

Understanding Series

Questions & Answers Series

There are links to many of these sources (by subject) in: Casebooks, Study Aids & Guides for Law School Courses & Bar Exams.

When Was This Guide Last Updated?

This LibGuide was last substantively updated:

On: Sept 21, 2023

At:  3:26 PM

By: Jean Davis

BLS Library Contacts for Help

Contact a BLS Reference Librarian:

Text: (718) 734-2432


Chat with us using the chat box below:


Bloomberg Law, LexisNexis & Thomson Reuters Westlaw Contacts for Help

Bloomberg Law:

Bloomberg Law "Contact Us" (support page)

BLS students, faculty and administrators can self-register for a Bloomberg Law account (no access code required).  Bloomberg Law will send an email response.

Bloomberg Law Customer Support: tel: 1.888.560.2529

Bloomberg Law vendor contact for BLS:

Miche de Jean

Client Service Partner, Bloomberg Industry Group


Additional Bloomberg Industry Group contact:

Deborah Cline

Sr. Relationship Partner, Law Schools at Bloomberg Industry Group

tel: 1.703.341.8504


Changing Your ID and Password (Instructions)

LexisNexis Customer Support (Law Schools): tel: 1.800.45.LEXIS (1.800.455.3947)

LexisNexis vendor contact for BLS:

Theia Milano                                            
Practice Area Consultant, LexisNexis Legal & Professional                                                                     

tel: 1.917.435.2017         

Thomson Reuters Westlaw: 

Change Password for Thomson Reuters Legal Products (Instructions)

Thomson Reuters Law School Support Resources

Reference Attorney Support: tel: 1.800.REF.ATTY (1.800.733.2889)

Support for Law Students: tel: 1.800.850.WEST (1.800.850.9378)

Thomson Reuters vendor contact for BLS:

Shawn Lopez

Academic Team Lead, Thomson Reuters

tel: 1.612.283.7766