The Law of South Africa (2d ed. 2003-) ("LAWSA") by W.A. Joubert, founding ed.LAWSA provides overviews of many South African legal topics. Use the Consolidated Index to find relevant entries. LAWSA's Cumulative Table of Cases includes cites to cases in reporters. LAWSA's Annual Cumulative Supplement highlights repealed legislation.
TIP: LexisNexis Butterworths began publishing the 2d ed. of LAWSA in 2003. Many LAWSA vols. are now 2d ed. vols. The Consolidated Index covers both 2d ed. vols. and vols. from the older ed. that the publisher has not yet replaced.
LAWSA is available online through LexisNexis South Africa ($). In New York, Columbia Law School's Diamond Law Library owns LAWSA in print.