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Treaty Research Guide: Digital IL Encyclopedias: Articles on Treaties

Focus: Bluebook-compliant treaty sources.

Research Tip

BLS researchers can access the four digital encyclopedias below 1) on campus through the BLS network or 2) off campus through the BLS proxy server.  Based on patron feedback, librarians recommend the BLS proxy instructions for Firefox browser.

IL-Focused Digital Encyclopedias Available Through BLS Library (subscription sources)

Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law (MPEIL)

  • In SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - CAMBRIDGE.

MPEIL Search Tips:

  • In MPEIL's main screen search box, enter the title of a treaty in quotation marks. 
  • Or, click: Subject > Law of Treaties
    • In left column, under: Narrow Your Choices, click the "+" to the left of Law of Treaties to view the treaty subcategories and to link to articles classified under each subcategory.

Examples of recent MPEIL articles include:

  • Gudmundur Alfredsson, Indigenous Peoples, Treaties with (updated Jan. 2022)
  • Anthony Aust, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969) (updated Mar. 2023)
  • Jutta Brunnée, Consent (updated Jan. 2022)
  • Jutta Brunnée & Christopher Campbell-Duruflé, Environment, Multilateral Agreements (updated Nov. 2022) + James Harrison, Environmental Accidents (updated Dec. 2023)
  • Thomas Giegerich, Treaties, Multilateral, Reservations to (updated Sept. 2020)
  • Juliane Kokott & Lauri Mälksoo, States, Sovereign Equality (updated Mar. 2023)

TIP: These articles cite to many related decisions.  To find decisions, visit Paper Topic Development: International guide sub-page: Texts of Cases and Arbitral Awards.  

Additional digital encyclopedias available through BLS Library:

Cambridge Compendium of International Commercial and Investment Arbitration

  • In SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - CAMBRIDGE.
  • Preface states "Like an encyclopedia, the Compendium contains [67] entries for most of the foundational principles and concepts underlying arbitration."  Each Compendium entry provides an overview of key issues.  Footnotes in an entry highlight many more sources. 
  • Either search this Compendium by keyword(s) + link to search results or skim the table of contents + link to a potentially useful entry. 
    • Re. the "Related content" to the right of each Compendium entry: BLS researchers will need to search SARA catalog (by a book's title) or SARA catalog's "Find a Source" tool (by a periodical's title) to determine if BLS Library provides a related source.  (Contact for help.)
  • Publication of this online Compendium occurred in Feb. 2023.  

Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law

  • In SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - ELGAR.
  • Comprises 12 reference volumes organized around "top level" subjects (e.g., water, energy and climate change).
  • Expand the table of contents to identify pertinent chapters.  Chapter authors are "international experts."
  • Publication of this Elgar Encyclopedia occurred on Mar. 30, 2023.
  • Includes: Volume V: Multilateral Environmental Treaties

Elgar Encyclopedia of Human Rights 

  • In SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - ELGAR.
  • Includes 340+ entries on the study and practice of human rights.  Entries include bibliographies.
  • Click a letter of the alphabet in the table of contents or use "Search within Book" feature (on right).
  • Publication of this Elgar Encyclopedia occurred on Sept. 6, 2022.