Both subscription Westlaw and Lexis+ provide U.S. cases concerning international law, U.S. administrative agencies' decisions (some of which pertain to international law) and cases of selected foreign jurisdictions. Regarding foreign cases available through basic U.S. law school license agreements with these vendors: primary focus = cases of selected common-law oriented jurisdictions.
Westlaw databases include:
> [U.S.] Federal International Law Cases
> U.S. Court of International Trade Cases + International Trade Commission (ITC) Decisions
> [U.S.] Military Law Administrative Decisions & Guidance
> Restatement of the Law - The Foreign Relations Law of the United States (Second, Third & Fourth Restatements)
> Restatement of the U.S. Law of International Commercial and Investor–State Arbitration (tip: includes case citations to drafts)
> American Law Reports International (Tool that "analyzes relevant U.S. and foreign cases from English- and non-English-speaking countries on specific legal issues of international import.")
> Global Competition & Antitrust > tabs: Cases
> International Arbitration Materials > tabs: Cases & Awards
> International Court of Justice Decisions
> International Legal Materials (this compilation of international law documents includes many decisions, selected coverage from 1980-)
> Iran-United States Claims Tribunal Decisions
> NAFTA Awards & Binational Panel Decisions
> International Materials > select a foreign jurisdiction (includes: European Union), view available material
Lexis+ databases include:
> All [U.S.] International Law Cases
> All [U.S.] International Trade Law Cases & [U.S.] International Trade Commission Decisions
> All [U.S.] Military & Veterans Law Cases
> International Court of Justice Judgments & International Court of Justice Advisory Opinions
> NAFTA Panel Review Decisions
> Click Lexis+ > Explore: International > select a foreign jurisdiction, view available material
Print: International Law Reports in BLS Library's International Collection
Subscription: International Legal Materials (compilation of international law documents), as available online through HeinOnline and through Cambridge University Press
(Access on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.)
World Legal Information Institute: Category: Courts and Case Law
This free "legal research facility" includes the ability to search for cases by topic International Courts & Tribunals.
The World Law Guide: Courts and Cases
This free guide links to decisions of high courts in many countries. Foreign courts might not provide decisions in English.
World Legal Information Institute: Category: Courts and Case Law
This free "legal research facility" links to sources of cases arranged by country.
Subscription: Canadian cases: HeinOnline's Canada Supreme Court Reports
(Access subscription HeinOnline databases on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.)
Subscription: Indian cases: Manupatra
This is a single-user subscription. Please contact a BLS reference librarian for assistance.
Subscription: South African cases in: Juta Law
This database includes Juta's South African Law Reports and an additional database of unreported decisions.
(Access Juta Law on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.)
Subscription: U.K. cases (+ Privy Council Appeal cases) published in The Law Reports + Weekly Law Reports: ICLR Online (PDF)
Tip: Cases published in The Law Reports, Appeal Cases have the reporter abbreviation: A.C.
(Access ICLR Online on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions)
International Court of Justice:
Basic Documents page links to Statute of the Court, Rules of Court & Practice Directions.
Cases page links to List of All Cases + Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders.
Tip: In Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders page, pull-down menu default = All decisions from 2021-2025, but researchers can change the date to display, for example: All decisions from 1946-2025. With the exception of recent jurisprudence, the source is Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders (PDF).
Tip: To search this Court's case-related documents, use the document search page.
Cases page also links to jurisprudence of the predecessor Permanent Court of International Justice (PDF).
Subscription HeinOnline: United Nations Law Collection includes this Court's cases, advisory opinions and orders (PDF).
(Access subscription HeinOnline databases on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.)
Other subscription databases that offer many search features but do not provide this Court's jurisprudence in PDF:
Westlaw: International Court of Justice Decisions
Lexis+: International Court of Justice Judgments & International Court of Justice Advisory Opinions
Free historical research tool: World Court Digest (1986-2000) provided by Max Planck Institute.
International Criminal Court:
Judgments, Decisions and Orders
"Core ICC texts" (the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the Elements of Crimes, the Regulations of the Court, the Regulations of the Registry, the Regulations of the Office of the Prosecutor & the Code of Professional Conduct for counsel)
ICC Legal Tools Database (an extensive international criminal law database) provides many advanced search features and filters.
Centre for International Law Research and Policy:
Case Matrix Network > ICC Case Matrix ("a service of the ICC Legal Tools Project," free registration required)
Peter Robinson:
Peter Robinson > Digests (summaries of decisions of the ICC, IRMCT, ICTR & ICTY)
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (based on a database designed by Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) of Utrecht University), OHCHR JURIS Database > click: Document Search > choose: Advanced
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Cases
United Nations issue-focused web pages also guide researchers to treaties & jurisprudence, for example:
United Nations: Protect Human Rights (highlights treaties & links to websites of the United Nations Human Rights Council and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)
United Nations: Uphold International Law (highlights treaties & links to websites of the International Law Commission, the Sixth (Legal) Committee that assists the work of the General Assembly, the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, ad hoc tribunals & United Nations-assisted tribunals)
United Nations: Oceans and the Law of the Sea (highlights treaties & links to the website: Oceans and the Law of Sea, which guides researchers to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea)
United Nations: Refugees (highlights the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees & links to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency)
Source of arbitral awards between states or states/international organizations: Reports of International Arbitral Awards (RIAA) (PDF)
See also subscription HeinOnline: United Nations Law Collection
(Access subscription HeinOnline databases on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.)
Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa, African Human Rights Case Law Analyser
African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII) (African Legal Information pull-down menu includes: Judgments (from "regional African courts"). This page also provides a case law search feature.
European Court of Human Rights, Knowledge Sharing Platform, HUDOC database & this Court's subject-oriented Factsheets on its case law.
European Court of Justice, CURIA advanced search form (to find this Court's jurisprudence)
Inter-American Court of Human Rights page highlights recent jurisprudence, offers a Cases Map by Country and provides a Jurisprudence Finder.
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Columbia Law School, Climate Change Litigation Databases
Gabriel Eckstein, International Water Law Project includes tab w/ pull-down menu: Case Law
Shearman & Sterling and Columbia Law School, in cooperation with UNCITRAL, 1958 New York Convention Guide
Tip: Includes: Case Law
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) + Digests (including UNCITRAL Digest of Case Law on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration)
Subscription: Jus Mundi (remote access requires implementation of the BLS proxy server instructions)
Subscription: Kluwer Arbitration (remote access requires implementation of the BLS proxy server instructions) > Cases & Awards
Subscription: Westlaw: International Arbitration Materials > material under headings: Cases & Awards
Subscription Westlaw: Practical Law, Arbitration
Michael Joachim Bonell, ed.-in-chief, UNILEX (searchable "database of international case law and bibliography on the CISG and on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts")
Institute of International Commercial Law, Elisabeth Haub School of Law, Pace University, CISG Database (free registration required)
Tip: Includes legal material organized by CISG article.
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) + Digests (including UNCITRAL Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods)
Subscription: Westlaw: American Law Reports-International
Tip: Search for annotations (= articles that discuss cases) by keywords: "convention on contracts for the international sale of goods"
Subscription IBFD Tax Research Platform > in SARA catalog record, click: ACCESS ONLINE VERSION - IBFD > in IBFD Tax Research Platform, click: Search.
TIP: Search results include category: Case Law. Click: > if you do not see category: Case Law.
(Access IBFD Tax Research Platform on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.)
Subscription: Trade Law Guide
Tip: Includes Jurisprudence Citators for both WTO & GATT 1947.
(Access Trade Law Guide on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.)
World Trade Organization, Trade Topics: Dispute Settlement
Also consult the highly useful research guide: New York University School of Law Library, WTO/GATT Research.
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT)
Subscription: Investor State Law Guide (scope: "[A]ll publicly available decisions and awards where the subject of the claim is an investment treaty. Currently, NAFTA and ICSID awards and decisions are the most complete.")
Tip: Includes a Jurisprudence Citator.
(Access Investor State Law Guide on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions,)
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, Cases: Advanced Search (PDF)
Print: ICSID Reports in BLS Library's International Law collection.
Subscription: ICSID Review
Includes articles, cases and other documents about investment law and international business transactions.
(Access ICSID Review on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.)