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Wills, Trusts & Estates: Current Developments

An introductory guide to Wills, Trusts and Estates law originally created by Grace Wagner for Brooklyn Law School students.

Publicly Accessible Repositories of Legal Articles


Link to: BLS Proxy Server InstructionsBLS librarians recommend the instructions for Firefox. (subscription) Legal News Topic: Trusts & Estates aggregates news stories and commentary from ALM publications such as The American Lawyer, National Law Journal, New Jersey Law Journal, New York Law Journal and The Recorder.  BLS students, faculty and administrators: BLS Library subscribes to New Jersey Law Journal and New York Law Journal through

Until Jan. 2026, extensive content also is available in Lexis+.  In Lexis+, search for a article by title in database: ALM MediaTip: Try placing an article's title in quotation marks.

Career Advice & Planning Articles

The link above allows BLS patrons to access What All Young Trust and Estate Litigators Should Know in HeinOnline > collection: Law Journal Library > publication: Probate and Property. 

Tip: American Bar Association (ABA) law student membership is free.  A law student could choose to join ABA's Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section to access many articles and other resources of this Section through the ABA's website. 

Selected Current Articles

Tip: See also most recent Heckerling Institute Report highlighting proceedings from the Jan. Heckerling Institute provided by the ABA Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section.  Date of 59th Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning: Jan. 13-17, 2025.  American Bar Association (ABA) law student membership is free.  A law student could choose to join ABA's Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section to access many articles and other resources of this Section through the ABA's website. 

Additional Selected Articles: