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Wills, Trusts & Estates: NY Primary & Secondary Sources

An introductory guide to Wills, Trusts and Estates law originally created by Grace Wagner for Brooklyn Law School students.

New York State Statutes in Lexis & Westlaw

Lexis source: New York Consolidated Laws Service (NYCLS):

Westlaw source: McKinney's Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated (McKinney's):

Durable General Power of Attorney: New York Statutory Short Form

Lexis source: Bender's Forms for the Consolidated Laws of New York:

New York State Legal Forms

Lexis source: Bender's Forms for the Consolidated Laws of New York:

Lexis "complete drafting system" for wills, trusts & advance directives in New York State:

Guardianships and Special Needs Trusts in New York

Lexis practice note:

Estate Administration in New York

Print treatise in BLS Library's New York Collection (2nd fl.):

Lexis concise guide & treatise:

Estate Planning in New York

Westlaw source: treatise in the New York Practice Series:

Trusts and Estates Practice in New York also is available in Thomson Reuters ProView.