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Animal Law: Articles

Focus: Current sources to assist students in the BLS Animal Law course

Finding Articles: Tips

  • BLS researchers who plan to work off campus and do not live in a BLS residence: implement the BLS proxy server instructions for 1 web browser, then close/reopen that browser. 
  • BLS researchers can request unavailable articles through BLS Library's interlibrary loan form/service. 
    • Before making an interlibrary loan request, BLS researchers can access Find a Source and can enter a journal's title to view available journal holdings.
    • Need help placing your first interlibrary loan request?  Email:

Additional Scholarly Journals on Animals

Tip: Click here to link to selected open-access papers previously published in Animal Welfare.

Free Sources of Legal Articles on Animal Law

Tools That Highlight/Link to Animal Law Articles Published in Many Sources:

Legal Practitioners' Journal:

Tip: BLS researchers can obtain articles unavailable at the ABA Journal's site through BLS Library's subscription to: 

Scholarly Legal Journals:

Tip: BLS researchers can obtain articles from Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy vol. 1 (1998) up to five years ago through BLS Library's subscription to:

Collections of Scholarly Articles & Position Papers

Repositories That Include Preprints of Legal Articles & Book Chapters:

Published Articles: Repositories & Collections of Articles in Databases:


Additional Topics: