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Animal Law: Laws

Focus: Current sources to assist students in the BLS Animal Law course

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Protecting Farm Animals: Advocating for Stronger Laws

ASPCA provides the page: Improving Laws for Animals: Public Policy.  It highlights "Key Issues" & "Latest News."  It also links to collections of laws (& some regulations) on:

Animal Legal & Historical Center, Michigan State University College of Law

NEW BLS Library database subscription to support research re. animal law in Latin America: BLS Library now subscribes to vLex Latin America + vLex Argentina, vLex Brazil, vLex Chile, vLex El Salvador & vLex Mexico. vLex provides a Content Explorer describing available primary & secondary legal content.  Remote access requires implementation of the BLS proxy server instructions for one web browser.

Animal Legal Defense Fund: Animal Protection Laws

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys: Animal Cruelty Law Summaries by [U.S.] State

Coller Animal Law Forum (CALF) Database

Genetic Literacy Project, Global Gene Editing Regulation Tracker & Index

Genetic Literacy Project provides: Human and Agriculture Gene Editing: Regulations and Index.   This site describes products/processes & their regulatory approval status in various countries/regions under categories:

  • Human/Health
  • Gene Drives 
  • Agriculture--site states: "The regulations on genetically engineered crops and animals are emerging out of the regulatory landscape developed for transgenic GMOs." 

Tip: Click on a category above > in map, click: a country or region. 

Global Animal Law Association: Legislation Database

Indigenous Peoples Law

Native American Rights Fund provides a Tribal Law Gateway & links to many additional online sources.

See also tab: Tribal Codes & Constitutions in a BLS Library research guide supporting the spring 2024 course: Native American Law.

National Survey of State Laws: Animal Welfare in HeinOnline (subscription)