A collection of 90+ Topical Introductions ranging "from companion animal issues (like dog bite laws, lost pets, and custody issues involving pets in divorce) to complex federal laws such as the U.S. Endangered Species Act or the Animal Welfare Act." Publication dates vary. Each Topical Introduction includes an "Overview," a "Detailed Discussion & "Related Information" (many links to pertinent articles, cases, laws & websites). There are Topical Introductions on:
On ALDF's home page, click: Menu.
Focus Areas provides overviews/descriptions of key primary law on:
Issues discusses:
Also provides publicly accessible Animal Law Academy Webinars.
Webinars are categorized by topics:
2023-2024 webinars included:
Also includes ALDF's page: Legislation: Strengthening Laws that Protect Animals and Striking Down Laws Hurting Animals (discusses federal and state bills).
A developing collection of videos & related scholarly papers on:
Brooks Institute describes the presenters/authors as "notable scholars and legal practitioners" in the area of animal law.
Tip: Check for upcoming 2025 videos & papers on:
Congressional Research Service Reports analyze hot topics before the U.S. Congress.
Tip: Enter keyword(s), such as:
Tip: Enter title of a U.S. federal law, such as:
Tip: Enter popular name of a U.S. federal bill or law, such as: Farm Bill (search will yield many periodically updated Farm Bill Primers--use pull-down menu to change view of search results from: Relevance to: Date)
See also:
This library provides guides, guidelines and many other resources on:
It also contains resource collections on these U.S. laws:
Additionally, it includes information on Animal Welfare Audit and Certification Programs.