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Law and Capitalism: Introduction

Sources to support the Brooklyn Law School course: Law and Capitalism. Under development.


Our librarians developed this research guide to support the BLS course: Law and Capitalism in U.S. History.  We are continuing to expand Brooklyn Law School Library's collection.  When you access this guide in future, please reload this web page

Excerpt from Professor Sarah Winsberg's course syllabus:

Why and how have markets come to shape so much of American life? Legal history is a key tool in discovering and understanding the answers. Throughout U.S. history, law has been intertwined with capitalism, enabling, shaping, and enforcing its most important developments.

Research help:

  • During the spring 2025 semester, BLS librarians provide reference service Mon.-Fri., 9-5 + Sat. noon-4 (exceptions: federal holidays).  Feel free to email: or text: 718-734-2432.

Feel Free to Ask for Help Accessing BLS Library's Resources to Support Research on Law and Capitalism in U.S. History

Tips to Access BLS Library's Ebooks

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  • BLS students who plan to work off campus and do not live in a BLS residence: implement the BLS proxy server instructions for 1 web browser, then close/reopen that browser.  BLS librarians recommend implementing the proxy instructions for Firefox browser. This will allow you to access BLS ebooks off campus.  (If you successfully implement the BLS proxy instructions, a prompt will appear requesting your BLS username/password.) 

  • Need help implementing the BLS proxy instructions?  Contact:

When Was this Guide Last Updatd?

On Feb. 25, 2025.

Guide Developer