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Art, Cultural Heritage & Law: Scholarly Articles

A guide to help researchers begin finding primary and secondary resources on Art Law.

CILP Alerts on Newly Published Legal Articles

HeinOnline: Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP) Alerts

  • CILP indexes material in 650+ [primarily U.S.] legal publications by subject headings.  CILP subject headings include: Arts and Entertainment; Indigenous Law; and Intellectual Property.
  • BLS students, faculty and administrators: To receive CILP email alerts about recently published articles on specific topics, click: Create New SmartCILP UserTo access CILP from off-campus locations: implement the BLS proxy server instructions for one web browser.

Aggregators of Scholarly Articles (from many sources)

Google Scholar, bullet: Articles

  • TIP: If a BLS researcher does not plan to work on campus or in BLS housing: Before searching, implement the BLS proxy server instructions.  Then, the BLS researcher will be able to access more full-text articles in Google Scholar search results.

OneSearch (BLS Library's discovery platform)

  • Yields articles in BLS subscription databases such as Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, HeinOnline, JSTOR, Project MUSE, and ProQuest.  Remote access to these sources requires implementation of the BLS proxy server instructions for 1 web browser.
  • TIP: Check option: Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journals beneath search box.   
  • Feel free to contact for help using the Advanced Search feature. 

Aggregators of Scholarly Legal Articles

Repositories that include pre-prints:

bepress Legal Repository 

  • Includes legal working papers and unpublished/recently published legal articles. 
  • Use Advanced Search to find articles by subject, keywords in abstract, author and title.   

Law Commons is an open access repository of scholarly articles and other research.  BrooklynWorks (Brooklyn Law School's scholarly repository) is part of this network. TIP: From the main page of Law Commons, link to articles grouped by sub-discipline, such as:

SSRN (might require registration to access an article--registration is free)

  • Includes legal working papers, unpublished/recently published legal articles, and even pre-prints of some book chapters.  

Sources of published articles:

HeinOnline's Law Journal Library and Foreign and International Law Resources Database provide PDFs.

  • HeinOnline provides published legal articles (articles published in journals and in yearbooks).
  • Access subscription HeinOnline databases on campus, in BLS housing, and elsewhere off campus if one has implemented the BLS proxy server instructions.

Westlaw's Law Reviews & Journals + Canada Journals + United Kingdom Journals

Subscription Tool to Find Published Legal Articles: LegalTrac

Subscription tool to find published legal articles: LegalTrac

LegalTrac's Topic Finder - Enter keywords like: art lawLegalTrac states: "Clicking on a topic wheel or tile narrows your original search results to the documents also containing that subject or term."


LegalTrac's Subject Guide Search - Enter keyword(s) like: art, art theft, art and war, cultural heritage, or cultural property to obtain a menu of subjects,  To narrow your search results, view the pull-down menu of a subject's subdivisions.

Free Periodicals on Intangible Heritage & World Heritage

International Journal of Intangible Heritage (annual journal)

  • Publisher: National Folk Museum of Korea with support of International Council of Museums (ICOM).  Offers ability to search for articles by intangible cultural heritage domains here.

World Heritage (quarterly review)

  • Publisher: UNESCO.  Features "in-depth articles on cultural and natural world heritage sites."

Legal Journals on Art & Cultural Property in Westlaw

Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal

  • Publisher: Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.  Westlaw's scope note states: "Full coverage begins with 1994 (vol. 12)."

Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts

  • Publisher: Columbia University School of Law.  Westlaw's scope note states: "Full coverage begins with 1992 (vol. 17)."

DePaul Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law

  • Publisher: DePaul University College of Law.  Scope note states: "Full coverage begins with 1995 (vol. 5) for DePaul-LCA Journal of Art & Entertainment.Full coverage begins with 2007 (vol. 18) for DePaul Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law."

International Journal of Cultural Property

Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts

  • Publisher:University of Washington School of Law.  Westlaw's scope note states: "Full coverage begins with 2004."

TIP: Westlaw's Intellectual Property Law Reviews & Journals also might be useful.

Additional Art & Law Journals

The Center for Art Law also identifies these as key journals:

Art, Antiquity and Law (in BLS subscription database: HeinOnline Law Journal Library)

  • Publisher: Institute of Art & Law.  Subscription HeinOnline's scope note states: "Embargo: 3 volume[s]."  Indexes recent articles.
  • BLS Library also has a print subscription to this journal.  Call number: K1 .R76, Location: Int'l. (Cellar Level).

Journal of Art Crime (in BLS subscription database: HeinOnline Law Journal Library)

  • Publisher: Association for Research into Crimes against Art.  Subscription HeinOnline's scope note states: "Embargo: 2 year[s]."  Indexes recent articles.
  • Also available digitally onsite at New York Public Library (NYPL).  NYPL's catalog record states: "03/01/2011 to Present in EBSCOhost Art & Architecture Source."    

Journal of Arts Management, Law & Society (in BLS subscription database: Academic Search Premier)

  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis.  Subscription Academic Search Premier's publication information states: Embargo type: 12-month delay.  Indexes recent articles.

Journals @ NY Public Library

New York Public Library, Articles and Databases

  • TIP: Filter by subject: Art or search by subject terms.
    • Some results are publicly accessible, some results state "on-site access only," and other results state "library card required." 

IFAR Journal (quarterly)

  • Publisher: International Foundation for Art Research
  • States it is "an award-winning quarterly of news, research and feature articles." 
  • Includes: Stolen Art Alert.
  • Available for on-site use at NY Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building.

Museum International (International Council of Museums' peer-reviewed journal, 2 issues/yr.)

  • Publisher: Taylor & Francis
  • States it "promotes the exchange of expertise and knowledge in the museums and heritage field on an international level."
  • Browse Museum International here.
  • Taylor & Francis provides some open access articles.
  • NYPL provides a number of years of Museum International [1997- present?] through a digital subscription available for on-site use at NYPL's Library for the Performing Arts, Schomburg Center & Stephen A. Schwarzman Building.