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Art, Cultural Heritage & Law: Free (or Low Cost) Memberships for BLS Students

A guide to help researchers begin finding primary and secondary resources on Art Law.

Tip for BLS Students: Leverage Free (or Low Cost) Student Memberships

BLS students can join the BLS Art Law Association (ALA). 

  • ALA states it "provides a forum for students, faculty, and practitioners to explore and debate the wide range of legal issues associated with the creation, collection, presentation, and preservation of the visual arts."  Contact:

American Bar Association (ABA) law student membership is free.  A law student can join five free ABA groups, including:

  • International Law Section, which has an Art & Cultural Heritage Law Committee.  Membership likely will increase a law student's access to news articles, events, and webinars.
    • Seemingly, all ABA law student members could view: Karin Orenstein: My First Art Law Case (Mar. 28, 2024)
      • This Section's website states: "This is the first installment of a new series from the ABA Art and Cultural Heritage Law Committee, in which we interview professionals practicing art law about their careers."
    • In July 2024, International Law Section's International Legal Developments Year in Review 2023 should become available to Section members here.  It likely will include: International Art and Cultural Heritage Law - International Legal Developments Year in Review: 2023.

American Society of International Law (ASIL) student membership is free for BLS students because BLS is an ASIL Academic Partner.  BLS students also can access career development resources (including a job board) and can register for free to attend ASIL's Midyear Meeting.  ASIL's student membership page states: "Students from Academic Partner Schools will have the opportunity to obtain a Discount Promo Code during the process of joining or renewing membership with the Society."

  • Click here to access publicly accessible recordings from many of ASIL's 2024 Annual Meeting programs.  Click the "+" to the far right of: Audio Content to view the program list/link to audio recordings.  These program recordings could yield paper and note topic ideas. 

New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) law student membership also is free.  It offers the opportunity to join practice-focused NYSBA Sections, including: Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section + International Section, which includes an Art Law, Art Funds & Art Finance Committee (International).  Membership likely will increase a law student's access to articles, events and webinars.

Low-cost opportunities for BLS students:

International Bar Association has a £24/year individual student membership fee.  Student members can ask to work with the Art, Cultural Institutions and Heritage Law Committee.

New York City Bar Association has a $25/year membership fee for current JD students and a $50/year membership fee for LLM students.  Student members can apply to join committees, including Art Law Committee and Copyright & Literary Property Committee

Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts deeply discounts its programs, workshops and on-demand recordings for students.  See its events calendar
