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Art, Cultural Heritage & Law: Treatises

A guide to help researchers begin finding primary and secondary resources on Art Law.

Westlaw's Art & Entertainment Law Treatises

Art, Entertainment & Sports Law Secondary Sources in Westlaw (accessible to a researcher w/ a Westlaw username/password) includes 2 treatises:

Darraby on Art Law (w/ Feb. 2023 update) by Alexandra Darraby.  Content highlights state: "This treatise provides expert commentary and analysis of the laws and issues applicable to visual arts, arts transactions, museums, and litigation." 


  • Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Art Law

Lindey on Entertainment, Publishing, and the Arts (w/ Dec. 2023 update, updated 3 times/yr.) by Michael Landau & Alexander Lindey.  Content highlights state: "[P]rovides expert coverage of entertainment law, mass communications, and the arts. Includes state-of-the-art forms and detailed guidance for drafting agreements." 


  • Chapter 16. Art Work includes:
    • II. Elements of Art Work Contracts
    • IV. Sample Contracts
    • V. Copyright Protection for Works of Art 
      • B. Forms

Westlaw also provides:

McCarthy on Trademarks & Unfair Competition (w/ June 2024 update (Release 2024-2)) by J. Thomas McCarthy.  Westlaw's scope note describes this multivolume treatise as "the authoritative source for explaining U.S. trademark and unfair competition law for 50 years, with clear, concise analyses of cases and statutes and commentary on registering and protecting trademarks."


  • Chapter 10. Rights in Expressive Works and Entertainment (see II. Artistic and Entertainment Rights)
  • TIP: Search McCarthy by keywords, such as: "visual art"

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