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Art, Cultural Heritage & Law: Organizations & Their Tools

A guide to help researchers begin finding primary and secondary resources on Art Law.

Art & Law Organizations

International Membership Association: International Council of Museums (ICOM)

United Kingdom: The Institute of Art & Law

United States (Brooklyn-based): Center for Art Law

United States (New York): Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts

Law Investigation & Enforcement Organizations + Their Tools

International: International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), Cultural Heritage Crime

Italy: Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale/ Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (TPC)

  • TIP: Click: Italian flag (top right) > click: British flag.  Provides an English-language description of TPC's protection and safeguarding tasks. 
  • Supports free searching "for an asset among a selection of stolen or illegally exported works, contained in [TPC's] computer archive."
  • Publishes free: Comunicati Stampa e News + Attività Operativa 2023.

United States: U.S. Dep't. of Homeland Security > U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Cultural Property, Art & Antiquities (CPAA) Investigations

United States: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Art Crime

  • States that the FBI's Art Crime Team:
    • "Address[es] art and cultural property crime cases in assigned geographic regions."
    • "Assist[s] in art-related investigations worldwide in cooperation with foreign law enforcement officials and FBI legal attaché offices."
  • Maintains the National Stolen Art File, which the FBI describes as "an online database of stolen art and cultural property."
  • Provides Art Crime News + descriptions of FBI Top Ten Art Crimes here.

Additional, widely-used tools:

United Kingdom (London): Art Loss Register + The Watch Register

  • Law enforcement agencies and government organizations can use the Art Loss Register of 700,000+ stolen or missing items without charge.  Clients such as auction houses, lawyers and private collectors pay fees to search this Register.  See FAQs.
  • Also provides The Watch Register, which this website states is "the leading global database of lost and stolen watches."

International Organizations: UNESCO & UNIDROIT

International: UNESCO > Culture

  • Provides resource manuals & toolkits pertaining to the 1972 UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, including these recent publications:

International: UNIDROIT > Cultural Property