Federal Judicial Center - Provides Biographical Directory of Article III Federal Judges, 1789-present.
Tip: Includes advanced search criteria (to search by court and by personal characteristics/background of judges).
National Center for State Courts - Provides links to state courts' websites.
New Jersey Courts - Provides Judge Directories
NYCourts.gov - Provides Judicial Directories
State of Connecticut Judicial Branch - Section: Directories - Provides contact information for judges and family support magistrates.
United States Courts - Provides information about U.S. federal courts and judges/judgeships. Includes a Federal Court Finder (on right of home screen) to search for a U.S. federal court by location/court name.
Google - Yields websites of many government agencies and law firms.
USA.gov - Provides A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies, links to state and local governments and links to Native American tribes (and tribal leaders) in the continental U.S. and Alaska.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Tribal Court Systems