Becoming a Multitalented Administrative Lawyer
Kellie Ann Moore
Becoming a United States Administrative Law Judge
Hon. Erin M. Wirth
Becoming an Administrative Law Professor
Michael Asimow
This page highlights many of BLS Library's career guides. In each box on this page, BLS Library's books are listed alphabetically.
Legal Resumes & Cover Letters: Guides I U.S. Legal Profession: Introductions & Early Career Guides I Big Law: Books I Legal Skills: Guides I Leadership: Guides I Legal Innovation & Legal Practice Technology: Guides I Marketing: Guides I Starting & Designing a Law Practice: Guides I Specific Legal Careers: Guides
BLS students also can view videos on many types of legal careers provided by the BLS Career Development Center.
TIP: Law student members of the ABA also should be able to access: How New Lawyers Can Build Their Brand on Social Media (June 13, 2024).
BLS Library's subscription sources and provide legal news/analysis regarding many types of law firms (including large law firms). Remote access requires implementation of the BLS proxy server instructions for 1 web browser.
Subscription database: Bloomberg Law News. Includes Roy Strom's column: Big Law Business. BLS Librarians can show you how to run search: "Big Law Business" and Strom to retrieve the author's prior columns.
For recent data, see subscription The 2024 Diversity Scorecard. Remote access requires implementation of the BLS proxy server instructions.
Academic Legal Careers/Teaching Law:
Association of American Law Schools, Becoming a Law Teacher
Administrative Law:
American Bar Association, Section of Administrative Law & Practice, Careers in Administrative Law (Dec. 5, 2022), which includes new/updated (in 2017) chapters to the book Careers in Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice (2010), such as:
Becoming a Multitalented Administrative Lawyer
Kellie Ann Moore
Becoming a United States Administrative Law Judge
Hon. Erin M. Wirth
Becoming an Administrative Law Professor
Michael Asimow
Animal Law:
BLS Library guide page: Animal Law: Careers.
BLS students: BLSConnect > Career > Manuals and Handouts includes multiple sources under career topic: Compliance.
Tip: Many of BLS Library's compliance resources focus on a specific practice area. Examples: Bloomberg Law: Banking & Finance Practice Center > Fintech Compliance, Corporate Practice Center > Compliance and Litigation Intelligence Center: Practical Guidance: AML Compliance.
One introductory e-book in BLS Library is:
Criminal Law & Criminal Justice:
Yale Law School, Career Guides: Criminal Defense & Criminal Prosecution
Entertainment Law:
Health Law:
American Bar Association, Section of Health Law, What Is Health Law? (series of 1-hour webinars on health law careers/the healthcare industry)
International Law:
BLS students: BLSConnect > Career > Manuals and Handouts includes an International Law Handout authored by the BLS Career Development Center.
BLS students: Because BLS is an ASIL Academic Partner, ASIL offers:
Intellectual Property Law:
BLS students: BLSConnect > Career > Manuals and Handouts includes Intellectual Property Law Resources.
Public Interest Law:
BLS students: BLSConnect > Career > Manuals and Handouts includes many sources under career topic: Government.
See also:
PSJD: Your Pathway to Public Service Legal Careers page: Explore Advice
Yale Law School, Career Pathways: Public Interest
Real Estate Law:
BLS students: BLSConnect > Career > Manuals and Handouts includes Planning for a Real Estate Career authored by the BLS Career Development Center.
Sports Law:
Trusts and Estates Law:
Career Advice & Planning Articles in this BLS Library guide: Grace Wagner, Wills, Trusts & Estates