Brooklyn Law School (BLS) librarians and Library Fellows developed this research guide to support the seminar: Native American Law. Tribal Law and Policy Specialist and Adjunct Professor of Law Precious Benally will teach this course again in spring 2025. Professor Benally is a citizen of the Diné Nation from Northern New Mexico.
BLS students who want help identifying material to support their research can email: or text: (718) 734-2432.
This guide primarily highlights 1) recent publicly accessible books and 2) recent books available through BLS Library. BLS is an independent law school and BLS Library's collection focuses on legal sources. Researchers could discover more legal sources by searching the catalog of National Indian Law Library (NILL) (click blue Menu icon > tab: Research to view new items) and by accessing the 16 topic-specific research guides developed by NILL. Those seeking a wider range of books could review reading suggestions made by staff of First Nations Development Institute, books honored in campaign: #NativeReads, and books highlighted by subject at Birchbark Books. New York state residents can apply online for a New York Public Library (NYPL) card to access ebooks, audiobooks, and additional databases (example: digitized archival sources in Gale database: Indigenous Peoples: North America). Those who live, work or attend school in New York state can apply online for a Brooklyn Public Library card.
BLS librarians thank Professor Benally, Professor Christopher Beauchamp, members of the BLS
Note: BLS students who plan to work off campus and do not live in a BLS residence: implement the BLS proxy server instructions for 1 web browser, then close/reopen that browser. This will allow you to access BLS ebooks off campus. (If you successfully implement the BLS proxy instructions, a prompt will appear requesting your BLS username/password.)
This LibGuide was last substantively updated:
On: Feb. 11, 2025
At: 12:39 PM
By: Jean Davis