HeinOnline's Law Journal Library contains 1,700+ law and law-related periodicals. Two advantages of using HeinOnline to find law review/journal articles are:
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Lexis+ Law Reviews and Journals database contains articles from law journals and CLE programs. Coverage varies by publication, but generally begins in the 1980s and runs through the most current issue.
Oxford University Press Legal Journals & Yearbooks (subscription) are available through platform: Oxford Academic.
Westlaw Edge, Law Reviews and Journals
Westlaw Edge's Law Reviews and Journals database contains articles and CLE materials from U.S. and Canadian based legal journals. Coverage varies by publication, but generally begins in the 1980s and runs through the most current issue.
bepress is a network of law-related research materials. High quality working papers are contributed from law schools, research units, think tanks, conferences and other subject-appropriate groups.
Click: a sub-discipline (e.g., Criminal Law, Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law, Human Rights Law, Intellectual Property Law) > enter keywords in search box on top right of resulting page.
Focus: Articles and scholarly working papers regarding accounting, economics, finance, law, management, marketing, and negotiation. Includes preprints of many articles and some book chapters.