OneSearch allows a researcher to search many of BLS Library's electronic resources from one interface.
Note: If you are researching off campus, you need to implement the BLS Proxy Server Instructions to use OneSearch.
Tip: If a researcher enters words in the search box on BLS Library's main web page, the researcher is using OneSearch. Off-campus use of this search box requires implementation of the BLS Proxy Server Instructions for 1 web browser.
Tip: Sort OneSearch results by date, title, or source.
Tip: Refine OneSearch results by topic, date, or title.
OneSearch searches multiple BLS subscription databases (e.g., HeinOnline, Academic Search Premier, Business Search Premier, JSTOR, Project Muse and ProQuest). A researcher can run complex searches, if desired. Example: one could run a keyword search for “'climate change' and 'government policy'” combined with a subject filter for “environmental policy" and then further limit search results to full text academic journals within the United States.
Academic Search Premier is a searchable database of articles from the sciences, arts, humanities, social sciences, and business.
Tip: Use the advanced search screen to conduct a key word search.
JSTOR provides image and full-text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics and other fields of the humanities and social sciences.
Note: There is a 1-5 year gap between publication of issues and inclusion in JSTOR (a condition set by journal publishers), so recent articles are not part of this collection.
Tip: Use the advanced search screen to conduct a key word search or use the citation locator to enter a citation.
Tip: You can either browse an alphabetical list of the journals provided or a subject list of the journals provided.
Project Muse is a searchable PDF database of articles from the humanities, arts and social sciences.
If you have the patience to customize your search, this can be a very useful tool.
Tip: Use the Advanced Google Search to customize your search.
To search for an electronic version of a journal across many of the library’s subscription databases, click on the Find a Source link from the SARA catalog. From this page, you can type the title of a journal in the search box and retrieve a list of the different databases that publish that journal, along with the coverage dates.
For example if you were to search for the title, Tobacco Control, your result list will show you that the databases, PubMed Central, JSTOR, Health and Wellness Resource Center, Health Reference Center Academic and Proquest Central carry the title. You will also see the coverage dates for the various databases. For example, JSTOR contains issues of Tobacco Control dating from 1992 to 2016. This search capability will aid those researchers who need to cite check.
ProQuest contains citations to, and full text articles in, a variety of academic & professional disciplines (e.g., business, economics, gender studies, health, literature, management and political science). ProQuest also contains news and general interest items.
Tip: Use the advanced search screen to conduct a key word search.
Health Affairs is a policy journal that focuses on domestic health care issues, but also covers international developments. Most Health Affairs authors are academics and other researchers (from both the private sector and government). Accessible on campus, in dorm, or through proxy server.
Health Reference Center provides access to articles on fitness, pregnancy, medicine, nutrition, diseases, public health, occupational health and safety, alcohol and drug abuse, HMOs and prescription drugs. Accessible on campus, in dorm, or through proxy server.
Wolters Kluwer VitalLaw: Healthcare offers searchable access to primary and secondary materials concerning health issues in the workplace. It includes: Medicare and Medicaid Guide Newsletter and Law and Health Blog.
This online resource provides free, full-text access to nearly 17,500 peer-reviewed journals. It aims to cover all disciplines and languages.
Tip: Beneath "Find open access journals & articles," a researcher can use the pull-down menu to change "in all fields" to "subject."