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Brooklyn Law School Library: Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

If the book you want is unavailable in our library, you may ask the library to obtain the item from another library through interlibrary loan. In order to make an interlibrary loan request you need to sign on to your interlibrary loan account using your Brooklyn Law School username (firstname.lastname) and password. Indicate whether you are looking for an article or a book, fill out the requested information and then submit the request.

The library staff will then process your request.  Each request goes to a string of at least five libraries to see if they can fill the request. Articles may be received electronically or in paper through the mail.  Books may take up to two weeks to be received. You will be notified when your item is received in the library. It may be possible to renew a book received through interlibrary loan, but please return all interlibrary loans promptly. Interlibrary loan is a cooperative arrangement between all lending and borrowing libraries, and is therefore dependent on the cooperation of both the users of the service as well as the libraries that provide the service.

Library Learn It! Making Interlibrary Loan Requests