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Library Supported Technology: Optimizing Your Survey

This guide provides instructions and information about the hardware, software and platforms managed by the Library.

Copying Questions

To maximize efficiency, you can take advantage of the question formatting that you've already set up by copying past questions. This is useful when you want to repeat scales and answer options.

Screenshot of the question dropdown menu with copy highlighted by a red rectangle.

To copy a question:

  1. Click the question you want to copy.
  2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner and select Copy from the dropdown menu.
  3. A duplicate question will appear below the original.
  4. Edit and customize the question as desired.


Adding Page Breaks

Page breaks reduce the number of questions displayed on the screen simultaneously, improving focus for the respondent. When a page break is added to a survey, any question below it will appear on another page after the respondent clicks Next.

To add a page break to your survey, simply click Add page break below the question that you would like to appear last on a page.

Display Logic

Display logic can be used to dynamically show or hide questions based on customizable conditions. This function is useful if some questions are applicable only to specific respondents, ensuring that your survey remains relevant for all participants.

Adding Display Logic with a Single Condition

  1. Click on the question that you want to display conditionally.
  2. From the left-side editing panel, navigate to Question behavior and click Display logic.

Screenshot of the editing panel with the display logic option highlighted.

  1. In the Display logic popup editor, add the conditions for the respondent to see the follow-up question.
  2. Click save to close the popup editor.

Screenshot of the display logic popup editor.

  • In this example, Q8 Please provide your contact information below is only displayed if the respondent answers "Yes" to Q7 Would you like someone to contact you with additional questions?
  • If the respondent answered "No," this question would be hidden from their survey.
  • This display logic condition is based on a question, but other options include:
    • Embedded data: use information stored about a respondent to set display conditions
    • GeoIP Location: automatically use the IP address of the survey participant to estimate their location and set a condition based on country, zip code, etc.
    • True-False: create a condition that always evalutes to true (the question will always display) or false (the question will never display)
    • Device Type: base a condition on what type of mobile device is or is not being used

Adding Display Logic with Multiple Conditions

As your surveys grow more complex, you may want to add display logic with more than one condition. These conditions can be connected with AND or OR. When conditions are linked by AND, both conditions must be met. When conditions are linked by OR, either condition can be met.

  • Note: as you add more logic, conditions linked by AND are evaluated first, followed by conditions linked by OR.

To add display logic with multiple conditions:

  1. Begin with the first condition that the respondent should meet.
    • In this example, a question about satisfaction with the survey has been added, with answers ranging from "Extremely dissatisfied" to "Extremely satisfied." The first condition, to display the question Would you like someone to contact you with additional questions?, is conditional on the answer "Extremely satisfied."
  2. To add another condition, click the green plus (+) symbol.

Screenshot of the display logic popup editor with a green plus symbol highlighted.

  1. Choose between the AND and OR operator.

A screenshot of the popup window with a second condition added.

  • In this case, we want to to add the "Extremely dissatisfied" response as an OR condition, meaning that the question will display if either response is selected.

Screenshot of the popup editor with the answer dropdown highlighted.

  1. Click save to close the popup editor.

Skip Logic

Skip logic controls where a participants is sent to in a survey based on how they answer a question. Similar to display logic, this function allows you to create paths through your survey based on set conditions.

  • Note: skip logic can only be used to send a participant forward in a survey, not backward.

Adding Skip Logic

  1. Select the question that will govern the participant's path.
  2. In the left-side editing panel, navigate to Question behavior and click Skip logic.

Screenshot of the skip logic option in the editing panel.

  1. In the skip logic popup editor, select:
    1. where in the survey you would like the participant to be sent to from the options below
      1. subsequent questions in the block
      2. end of block
      3. end of survey
    2. the condition for the trigger.
  2. Click Confirm.

Screenshot of the skip logic popup editor.

  • In this example, if a respondent answered "No" to Would you like to answer some additional questions?, skip logic would send them to the end of the survey.

Editing and Deleting Skip Logic

After adding skip logic to a question, you can edit or delete the function by navigating to the question menu in the upper right corner and selecting Edit conditions or Remove.

Screenshot of the menu dropdown for skip logic.

Logic and Page Breaks

By default, a page break is added before any display logic question, meaning it will appear on the next page. If you would prefer the conditional question to appear on the same page, simply select In page in the display logic popup editor.

Screenshot of the editor with the in page option highlighted.

Similarly, skip logic will always add a page break before the question, which allows the survey to evaluate the condition and direct participants accordingly. When the respondent clicks Next, they will be moved to the proper point in the survey. Please note that this feature is not adjustable.