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Library Supported Technology: Remote Access

This guide provides instructions and information about the hardware, software and platforms managed by the Library.

Accessing Libary Resouces Remotely

The library subscribes to a large number of subscription databases and journals to support research and scholarship at BLS. To access these resources from offsite, you must implement a proxy server in your web browser -- this allows you to connect to BLS' network remotely and use sources that would normally only be accessible on campus.

*Note: Westlaw and Lexis are password-based resources and can be accessed off campus without the proxy server.

Proxy Server Tips

Once the proxy server is set up on your browser, you will be prompted to enter your BLS credentials each time you use that browser. For this reason, you may want to use a different, un-proxied browser for non-BLS related internet use.

The Library Network strongly recommends using Firefox for the proxy server. Other browsers may be used, but Google Chrome is not recommended for our proxy.

Need help getting the proxy set up on your computer? Email

Implementing the Proxy Server

Instructions for implementing the proxy in various browsers for both Windows and Mac are below and can be found on BLSConnect.

  Windows Mac
Firefox Firefox Proxy Instructions (Windows) Firefox Proxy Instructions (Mac)
Edge Edge Proxy Instructions  
Safari    Safari Proxy Instructions

Importing Bookmarks and Passwords

If Firefox is not your regular browser, you can easily transfer and download your bookmarks and saved passwords from another browser.