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Library Technology: Survey Features & Question Types

This guide provides instructions and information about the hardware, software and platforms managed by the library.

The Survey Tab

When you create a new Survey Project, you will be taken to the Survey tab, where you can add and manage questions, configure question settings, and specify the look and feel of your survey.

Survey Questions

Creating a New Blank Question

By default, a new blank Survey Project will contain a blank question that is ready for formatting. A plus symbol "+" and a minus symbol "-" will appear when you hover your cursor over the blank question.

1. Add another question: Click the plus (+) to add questions.

2. Remove question: Click the minus (-) to send the question to the Trash.

Screenshot of a blank question.

To move questions, drag and drop them to the new desired location.

Creating Questions from Templates

You can also use pre-written questions from other surveys by clicking Import from library.

Screenshot of a blank question.

Question Types

Question types are templates that allow you to customize your questions. The Question type dropdown menu allows you to select one best suited to your survey needs.

To change a question type:

  1. Click on the question you want to edit.
  2. On the left-hand side of the question, navigate to the editing pane.
  3. Under Question type, select the dropdown arrow.
  4. Select you desired question type.

Some common question types are detailed to the right.

Tips for Adding Questions

Preview Questions

When adding and editing questions, you can preview them as they will appear to participants. Click the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the question block and select Preview question from the dropdown menu.

Screenshot of a question box dropdown menu.


Use suggested

Fields in the editing pane often include the option to toggle on a Use suggested feature. This option offers pre-written choices, scales, lists, and statements that may be helpful in building your survey questions. Please note that some of the Use suggested features may limit your ability to customize other aspects of your question, such as number of choices or scales. Simply toggle Use suggested on and off as you wish.

Screenshot of a Use suggested toggle.


Multiple Choice Questions

This question type consists of:

  • Question-wording, or the text you use to ask a question
  • Answer choices that are display to a participant

Multiple choice questions are easily adaptable to many formats, including single answer, multiple answer, or scale questions.

Adding a Multiple Choice Question

In the survey tab, click Add new question and select Multiple choice from the pop-up menu.

Screenshot of edited text in a question box.

  1. Click on the default question text.
  2. Type your question.
  3. Click on the first answer choice text to edit.
  4. Repeat for each choice.

Text Entry Questions

This question type collects text-based answers and consists of the following:

  • Question-wording: the text you use to ask a question
  • Text type field, the area where the participant types their answer

Adding a Text Entry Question

1. In the survey tab, click Add new question and select Text entry from the pop-up menu.

2. Input the question text by clicking on Click to write the question text.

Screenshot of a blank text entry question.

3. Specify the size of the text entry box (single line, multiple lines, or essay text box) in the editing pane to the left.

Screenshot of the text type dropdown menu in the editing pane.

Matrix Table Questions

This question types enables you to present questions in a grid format. It consists of:

  1. Question-wording
  2. Scale points
  3. Statements

Screenshot of an example matrix table question.


Adding a Matrix Table Question

1. In the survey tab, click Add new question and select Matrix table from the pop-up menu.

2. Input your question text.

3. In the editing pane, adjust the number of statements and scale points.

Screenshot of the editing pane for a table matrix question.

4. If desired, you can also adjust the look and feel of the matrix table using the dropdown menus under Matrix type and Format.